Livestock Gentec  releases 'The Delicious Bits' newsletter quarterly, with a focus on relevant updates for the Alberta beef industry as well news in global livestock production. It also features 'At the Grill with William Torres' a recurring editorial with hot takes for beef producers. In the newsletter you can also expect:

  • New technologies for producers
  • Innovative research projects and results
  • Genetic and agri-food updates
  • Livestock Gentec partners and collaborators in the news
  • Opportunities to get involved with Gentec
  • Events

Check out the latest issue of the Gentec Newsletter here


Here is what our readers are saying about The Delicious Bits Newsletter:

"Just a note to say how much I enjoy reading Gentec Delicious Bits. It is always interesting and well written. Congratulations to you and the team, it is so nice to see how successful Gentec has become." Jan 2023


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For earlier editions, please see our Archived Newsletters.