Genetic Analyses of Feed Intake, Feed Efficiency, Female Fertility, and Cow Lifetime Productivity in Beef Cattle Raised in Two Environments

Optimization of a multiple trait selection index for replacement heifers to reduce production costs and increase sustainability of beef production

Feed efficiency, feed intake, production performance, and fertility are major determinants of sustainable beef production. Understanding genetic correlations among these traits is crucial for optimizing multiple trait selection indices that improve calf crop percentage and sustainability. This project aims to develop a genomic selection tool for improved feed efficiency while maintaining or improving heifer/cow reproductive performance. An accurate and reliable multi-trait selection index for heifers and cows will improve feed efficiency and sustainability, as well as profitability and competitiveness. Production of more efficient cows with improved performance will reduce production cost and carbon intensity.

Download the full project summary here.

For more information on this project or genomic testing and indexes, please contact Livestock Gentec:

Phone: 780.248.1740

Institution: University of Alberta and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Primary Investigator: John Basarab (UAlberta

Co-Primary Investigator: Changxi Li (AAFC)

Term: 2018 - 2023

Funding: $1,047,314 from BCRC

Posted in Beef, Efficiency, Research Topic, Sustainability.