Senior Animal Science Capstone Mentorship
Livestock Gentec staff and scientists work with fourth-year students in the University of Alberta BSc Animal Health Program and BSc Agriculture, Animal Science Major on a team-based capstone course exploring broad areas of animal agriculture and health. The projects involve experiential learning and skill development related to agriculture.
In 2017, our group of students worked on the project “Educating Cow-Calf Producers About the Value of Genotyping”. Read their full consultant report here and view their brochure on the benefits of genotyping here.
In 2015, our group of students explored the “Potential for genetic selection for the improvement of welfare of dairy cattle”. View the presentation of their findings here.
2014 marked the first year we became involved in Capstone mentorship! Our group of students researched the topic “Improving Genetic Selection Using Genomic Enhanced EPDs (GeEPD)” for beef cattle. View their proceedings paper here.