DNA pooling will increase the accessibility of genomic management to commercial beef producers to improve efficiency, profitability and sustainability.
The Canadian beef industry is challenged to remain globally competitive while improving efficiency and sustainability. To address these challenges, the beef industry must continue to evolve using advanced technologies such as genomics. An innovative approach to reducing the cost and labour associated with genotyping is DNA pooling, where information is collected on a group of individuals. This project aims to validate a low-cost DNA tool to monitor herd-level genomic breed composition, hybrid vigour and sire contribution by pooling the DNA from a group of animals. DNA pooling can be used to develop grouping strategies to increase carcass uniformity and value. Additionally, increasing hybrid vigour on the herd level can improve health and resilience, reduce carbon footprint and result in improved economic net returns.
Download the full project summary here.
For more information or to participate in the project contact Livestock Gentec
(780) 248-1740
Institution: University of Alberta
Primary Investigator: John Basarab
Co-Primary Investigator: Graham Plastow (UAlberta), Changxi Li (AAFC)
Term: 2021 - 2022
Funding: $381,500 (RDAR)