Development of a platform to increase genomic prediction accuracy and promote the use of genomic tools in commercial cattle producers
Genetic improvement of beef production efficiency and carcass quality is a key strategy to enhance national and international competitiveness and sustainability of beef production. However, the rate of genetic improvement using traditional phenotype and/or pedigree based genetic evaluation and selection has been slow for important beef performance traits that are difficult/expensive to measure, such as feed efficiency. In recent years, researchers at Livestock Gentec (AAFC, AAF, UAlberta) developed a number of genomic prediction tools for commercial producers who do not have access to herd improvement tools from a breed association and who want to select the best replacement animals from their own herd. This project aims to refine those genomic tools and to improve prediction accuracy for multiple beef breeds. The genomic prediction platform with improved accuracy will help service providers to deliver genomic decision support tools to their customers, which will allow the beef industry to improve beef production efficiency and quality via selection and management of genetics in their herd.
Download the full project summary here.
This project has led to the development of a Genomic-Enhanced Whole Herd Genetic Management Platform that is now ready for demonstration in the beef industry. For more information or to participate in the new project contact Michael Vinsky:
Institution: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Primary Investigator: Changxi Li
Co-Primary Investigator: John Basarab (UAlberta)
Term: 2019 - 2021
Funding: $230,328 from Genome Alberta