Livestock Gentec Outreach


University of Alberta Awards for Teaching, Learning and Research, Edmonton, 23 Oct 2024. Dr. John Basarab and Dr. Graham Plastow were again recognized for the 2023 ASTech award for Best in Agriculture.



NSERC SSHRC funded project: “Using genomic tools to reduce GHG & Methane in beef cattle” was recently awarded and people are taking notice. John Basarab, Gentec CEO has given numerous interviews in recent weeks on this project:

  • Nov 7, 2024, interview, hosted by Joey Slattery, 880 CHED, Edmonton
  • Nov 8, 2024, interview with Kevin Ma, St. Albert Gazette (see link for feature in The Albertan)
  • Nov 11, 2024, interview with Bassirou Ba, CBC Radio Canada
  • Nov 11, 2024, interview with Jessica Ng, Radio Active, Edmonton


John Basarab Livestock Gentec CEO has also presented our research at several association meetings recently. These presentations are a great way to communicate to the producer community and build interest in genomic tools. The presentations focused on profit opportunity with genomic improvement in Canada’s commercial beef herd, the value of hybrid vigour and the genomic tools Livestock Gentec has developed to help seize these opportunities.

  • Manitoba Beef and Forage Conference, Portage La Prairie, MB, October 30, 2024
  • BC Cattlemen’s Association – BCCA Town Hall, Courtenay, BC, November 16, 2024

Highlights from the George Foxcroft Reproduction Workshop at Leman 2024

On September 21st, 2024, Jennifer Patterson and Michael Dyck hosted the “George Foxcroft Reproduction Workshop” at the Leman Conference in St.Paul, Minneosta. The workshop had an exciting line-up of world class speakers that addressed the theme “Managing the breeding herd in a changing environment”. We were pleased to have one of our biggest attendances to date, drawing in over 100 people from 14 different countries and from a number of industries (production, academia, media, nutrition, genetic services, consulting, sales).

We always measure the impact of the workshop, not only by the number of people in the room, but by the number of sows represented. This year, over 1.4 million sows were touched by people working directly for production companies, not including the many others that will have an influence.

The goal of these sessions is always to bridge the gap between science and practice and to foster networking opportunities for attendees. We accomplished this and hope that every attendee was able to take home valuable insights that they can implement in their own systems.

Special thanks to the University of Minnesota for their 18 years of partnership in organizing this workshop, and to Merck for their continued sponsorship and collaboration in designing this well-received program.

The presentations will be posted, please check back in the future.

“The management of an efficient breeding herd must take into consideration a variety of ‘environments’, including the animals’ physiological environment, the housing environment, the regulatory environment and the technological environment, just to name a few. These ever-changing environments that affect production are driving the need for more sophisticated and adaptable management practices. In this session we will bring together experts to discuss technical and practical considerations in dealing with these evolving environments and how to maintain an efficient breeding herd. This workshop is designed for swine producers, veterinarians, and industry professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and practices in swine breeding management. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best and network with peers in the industry.”

The “last mile” – delivering research results to the people who can make the difference

Gentec works closely with industry partners in making a difference on farm. Jennifer Patterson is at the forefront of improving pork production efficiency. It was very pleasing to receive recent positive feedback from a partner that these efforts deliver key learning “to the people in the barn who can make the difference in performance”.

This aligns directly with RDAR’s commitment to delivering research outcomes that make a meaningful impact on Alberta’s economy and landscape, referring to this as the “last mile” in the delivery and uptake of research results. RDAR CEO, Dr. Mark Redmond emphasized this at a meeting RDAR hosted in Lacombe on November 18th. The aim was to bring producers, researchers, agri-businesses and municipal leaders together “to learn about funding opportunities, what practices are being adopted on-farm, and what research is underway to drive improvements in central Alberta’s agricultural practices”.

Putting tools in the hands of barn staff, as Jennifer does, is maybe an example of the “last quarter or even furlong”. Thank you once again to all Gentec’s partners who make these things happen.

Livestock Gentec at Farm Fair 2024

Livestock Gentec shared a booth with University of Alberta Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Science (ALES), November 8 and 9. The event hosted show-animal competitions, booths from agriculture providers, producer meetings and lots more. We had a great time connecting with producers and the public on how we are advancing adoption of genomic tools in livestock. A special thanks to Dr. Rene Dery for coordinating the ALES booth.

(left) University team Nov 9 at the ALES booth, joined by ALES Dean Dr. Yada. (right) Livestock Gentec team members (Dr. Tiago Valente and Jordan Roberts) with research posters and tissue sample units on display.

While at Farm Fair John Basarab (CEO) and Tiago Valente (Research Associate) attended Farm Forward roundtable discussions hosted by Graham Neil–pictured below, and the Canadian Beef Breeds Council (CBBC) annual general meeting. John and Tiago had the opportunity to introduce themselves to the CBBC delegates and listen to several presentations.

Farm Forward roundtable discussions at Farm Fair 2024 in Edmonton

Livestock Gentec research highlights


Olson CA., Li C., Block HC, McKeown L., Fitzsimmons C., Plastow G., Basarab JA. 2024. Residual feed intake measured as replacement heifers is indicative of residual feed intake measured as mature cows. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 00: 1–9 (2024),

Khakbazan M., Olson CA., Block HC., Li C., Basarab JA. Effects of feed efficiency, longevity, cow’s hybrid vigour, and lifetime productivity on profitability of cow-calf operations in central Alberta. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 00: 1–9 (2024),

Li H., Wang Y., Vinsky M., Valente T., Basarab JA., Li C. Accuracy of genomic predictions using single and multiple-trait machine learning methods in Canadian beef cattle population. J Anim Sci., 102. Suppl., 3, 33–34,

Alipanah, M., Valente, T.S., Abo-Ismail, M.K., Plastow, G.S., Basarab, J.A., Crowley, J.J., Akanno, E.C. (2024) Accounting for non-additive genetic variation in carcass quality traits of Canadian beef cattle. Can. J. Animal Sci. 104

Virtuoso, M.C.S., Hosseini, A., Aalhus, J.L., Juárez, M., Bruce, H.L., Li, C., Basarab, J.A., Valente, T.S., Plastow, G. (2024) Genetic parameter estimates for sensory and meat quality traits measured at 3 and 29 days of aging of beef from Canadian crossbred cattle. Meat Sci. 207:109351

Virtuoso, M.C.S., Aalhus, J.L., Juárez, M., López-Campos, O., Bruce, H.L., Li, C., Basarab, J.A., Plastow, G., Valente, T.S. (2024) Genetic parameters and genomic insights for meat colour traits of Canadian crossbred beef cattle. Can. J. Animal Sci.

Chitneedi, P.K., Hadlich, F., Moreira, G.C.M., Espinosa-Carrasco, J., Li, C., Plastow, G., Fischer, D., Charlier, C., Rocha, D., Chamberlain, A.J., Kuehn, C. (2024) eQTL-Detect: nextflow-based pipeline for eQTL detection in modular format with sharable and parallelizable scripts. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, lqae122

Robic, A., Hadlich, F., Moreira, G.C.M., Clark, E.L., Plastow, G., Charlier, C., Kühn, C. (2024) Innovative construction of the first reliable catalogue of bovine circular RNAs. RNA Biology 21: 52–74.

Oliveira, H.R., Sweett, H., Narayana, S., Fleming, A., Shadpour, S., Malchiodi, F., Jamrozik, J., Kistemaker, G., Sullivan, P., Schenkel, F., Hailemariam, D., Stothard, P., Plastow, G., Van Doormaal, B., Lohuis, M., Shannon, J, Baes, C., Miglior, F. (2024) Symposium Review: Development of genomic evaluation for methane efficiency in Canadian Holsteins. JDS Communications published online January 2024

van Staaveren, N., De Oliveira, H., Houlahan, K., Chud, T., Oliveira Junior, G., Hailemariam, D., Kistemaker, G., Miglior, F., Plastow, G., Schenkel, F., Cerri, R., Sirard, M.A., Stothard, P., Pryce, J., Butty, A., Stratz, P., Abdalla, E., Segelke, D., Stamer, E., Thaller, G., Lassen, J., Manzanilla-Pech, C., Stephansen, R., Charfeddine, N., García-Rodriguez, A., Gonzalez-Recio, O., López-Paredes, J., Baldwin, R., Buchard, J., Parker Gaddis, K., Koltes, J., Peñagaricano, F., Santos, J., Tempelman, R., VandeHaar, M., Weigel, K., White, H., Baes, C. (2024) The Resilient Dairy Genome Project – a general overview of methods and objectives related to feed efficiency and methane emissions. J. Dairy Sci. 107:

Ko, H., Pasternak, J.A., Mulligan, M.K., Hamonic, G., Ramesh, N., MacPhee, D.J., Plastow, G.S., Harding, J.C.S. (2024) A DIO2 missense mutation and its impact on fetal response to PRRSV infection. BMC Veterinary Research 20:255

Moroni, J.L., Tsoi, S., Wenger, I.I., Plastow, G.S., Dyck, M.K. (2024) Placental transcriptome analysis in connection with low litter birth weight phenotype (LBWP) sows. Genes 15(6):703

In the field

Our project: “Using genomic tools to reduce GHG & Methane in beef cattle” is ramping up, so the team–Gentec and collaborators– went out to Roy Berg Kinsella Research Ranch to learn how to operate the Greenfeed Emissions Monitoring equipment. This equipment measures the enteric greenhouse gas emissions from cattle. Animals put their head into the gas measurement shroud to receive feed pellets. The animal’s RFID is then read, and as they are feeding, the enteric gases (CH4, CO2, H2) and air are drawn up a sampling tube by positive air flow to an infrared sensor that quantifies gases. This enteric gas data will also provide a baseline for developing models for predicting enteric methane from fecal NIRs spectra. Some of the team also took in a web-based training to see how the data is collected, analyzed and reported by the C-lock software and analytics team. This latter aspect is an international collaboration with Belgian scientist Dr. Amélie Vanlierde with Walloon Agriculture Research Centre (CRA-W, Gembloux, Belgium) and French scientist Donato Andueza from The French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE).

Greenfeed Emissions Monitoring (GEM) system training session conducted by C-lock technician, on 29 Oct 2024 (left); Green Feed archived gas sensor data (right).

Discovery of Key Functional SNP Markers Associated with Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle

As global and national pressures to enhance the sustainability and efficiency of beef cattle production continue to grow, the Canadian beef industry requires a multifaceted approach to address these challenges. One promising and enduring solution lies in leveraging genetic and genomic technologies to enhance breeding strategies. By selecting for beef cattle with improved feed efficiency, producers can reduce feed resource use, lower emissions, and maintain the same level of production.

The focus of this research was to investigate the functional genetics underlying feed efficiency in Canadian beef cattle and identify functional SNP markers associated with this trait. Selecting for feed efficient (FE) cattle, measured by Residual Feed Intake (RFI; kg/d), has the potential to increase lean meat yield without requiring additional feed. Using RNA-Sequencing technology, we uncovered genetic mechanisms driving feed efficiency by identifying key regulatory genes, functional SNP markers, and associated QTLs. This approach enables the detection of genetic mutations (SNPs) derived from DNA sequence data that may influence feed efficiency, providing valuable insights for improving sustainability in beef production.

A population of 48 Canadian beef cattle from the Roy Berg Kinsella Research Ranch (Alberta, Canada), including 16 Angus, 16 Charolais, and 16 Kinsella hybrid composite animals were selected from a larger cohort of 738 cattle based on their extreme FE phenotypes. At slaughter, rumen papillae tissue was collected from each animal for RNA extraction.

The study identified 11 key regulatory genes (EIF4B, USP43, RHOD, SERPINB2, MYH1, MYL2, TCEANC, CKM, MYLPF, TNNC2, and ENSBTAG00000040518) that were significantly differentially expressed between high and low FE groups. These genes were linked to muscle contraction and muscle cell biological processes.

Analysis of functional SNPs revealed 1,137 uniquely fixed SNPs in the high FE group and 1,190 in the low FE group across breeds. When examining the co-localized QTL classes overlapping with these functional SNPs, we found distinct patterns:

  • High FE SNPs evenly overlapped with four major QTL classes: Meat and Carcass (18.19%), Milk (27.34%), Reproduction (23.95%), and Production (27.08%), with a smaller proportion overlapping with Health (1.87%) and Exterior (1.57%).
  • Low FE SNPs predominantly overlapped with Milk QTLs (59.65%), followed by Meat and Carcass (7.91%), Reproduction (14.95%), and Production (11.61%), with a smaller proportion overlapping with Health (2.83%) and Exterior (3.05%).

These findings suggest that less feed-efficient cattle may allocate more energy toward milk-related traits, while more feed-efficient cattle direct energy toward performance traits, such as meat production and yield. Selecting for higher feed efficiency in beef cattle could thus optimize energy partitioning for production-related traits, benefiting the beef industry.

The results of this research were presented at two major conferences and at the Ontario Beef Field Day:

  • The American Society of Animal Science – Canadian Society of Animal Science – Western Section ASAS (ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS) conference in Calgary, Alberta, in July 2024.
  • The European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) conference in Florence, Italy, in September 2024.
  • The Ontario Beef Research Centre (OBRC) Beef Field Day in Elora, Ontario, Canada in October 2024.

Authors: Stephanie Lam1, Leluo Guan2, Graham Plastow3, Ángela Cánovas1

1 Improvement of Livestock, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada; 2 The University of British Columbia, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Vancouver, Canada; 3 Livestock Gentec, University of Alberta, Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutritional Science, Edmonton, Canada

This research highlights the importance of collaboration between the University of Guelph’s Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock and the University of Alberta’s Livestock Gentec, and now UBC with Leluo Guan’s move there, to leverage Canadian herd databases and deliver actionable insights to benefit beef producers and the entire value chain.

See us in the New Year

Livestock Gentec’s Jennifer Patterson will be presenting at Banff Pork Seminar (January 7-9th, 2025) in the breakout production session on “Sow Management.” She will be discussing “Gilt Development – Laying the Foundation for Future Performance,” alongside Courtney Werth, who will present on “Weight Watchers – Insights from Ontario Sow Herds,” and Chris Opschoor, who will talk about “Between Gestation & Lactation: A Transition is Made.” It promises to be a great session.

PhD graduate student Sonja Allen will present a poster at BPS on “Preliminary insights into improving sow lifetime productivity and pig quality through phenotypic and genomic analysis”. This work is part of our NSERC research collaboration with Hypor – Hendrix Genetics. Please come by and check out her poster.

BPS is always an excellent event for bringing the industry together. Our team will also be represented by Michael Dyck, Kayla Patey and Morgan Rioch, we look forward to seeing you there!

Jennifer will also be presenting at the Ontario Swine Conference in London, Ontario (March 25-26th, 2025). She will be part of a session on “Gilt Development for Longevity,” with TJ Klopp and Kendra Foran. This joint session will focus on “putting science into practice.”

On the beef side, several RDAR funded partners to Gentec will be presenting their research at the 2025 RDAR research showcase Jan 16 in Edmonton. Watch out for the presentations from Dr. Kajal Latimer, Dr. Brenda Ralston

Opportunities for producers

From Livestock Gentec

Make it your resolution to bring genomic tools to your herd! We are accepting submission forms for our Livestock Gentec Adopting of Genomic Tools project. Learn more about it following the link below or scanning the QR code.

What do you have to do?

  • Keep Cow based records – cow ID – entry date – cull date & reason – calf data each year
  • Contact Livestock Gentec (780-248-1740; for a submission form and to arrange for Tissue Sampling Units (TSU)
  • Collect TSU samples from the animals you would like to evaluate
  • Send your TSUs and submission form to Livestock Gentec, 2-31 GSB, 9007-116 Street NW, University of Alberta, Edmonton T6G 2H1
  • Pay only $20 per animal, with project funding paying for the other $22
  • DNA pooling costs $5/animal + $20 for each group evaluated (20 animals/group)

What do you get?

  • Genomic breed composition and hybrid vigour score for all animals
  • Genomic Expected Progeny Difference values (gEPDs) for 12 traits including growth, feed efficiency, fertility and carcass traits
  • Selection Index values for the Feeder Profit Index (FPI™) and Replacement Heifer Profit Index Score (RHPI™ Score)
  • Visual rank for all animals based on FPI™ and RHPI™ Score
  • For DNA pooling, only group level genomic breed composition and hybrid vigour score available


(left) submission form (right) learn more about livestock Gentec genomic tools for beef cattle









Learning opportunities from our partners

Records for Tracking Genetic Improvements email course free course from Beef Cattle Research Council (BCRC), in partnership with Alberta Beef Producers, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Canadian Beef Breeds Council, University of Guelph and Maritime Beef Test Station

Link to online registration

Livestock Gentec year-end updates

Information on the new beef projects:

  • Sire-based Feeder Profit Index for Beef on Dairy production and marketing systems, 2024-2027, PI Basarab (Sustainable CAP administered by RDAR)
  • Using genomics to improve the profitability and sustainability of Alberta’s beef industry, 2024-2027, PI Basarab, co-PI Plastow (Sustainable CAP administered by RDAR)
  • Evaluation of reduced enteric methane emissions in beef cattle using a novel vaccine at a research farm in Alberta, 2025-2028, PI ArkeaBio Inc., University of Alberta lead Basarab (Emission Reduction Alberta)
  • Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Canadian Beef Industry through the Development and Adoption of Genomic Tools, 2024-2029, PI Basarab (NSERC SSHRC)

For updates on the Gentec team, we are pleased to welcome Jordan Roberts as project manager. Jordan joined us in October. His role will support the coordination and execution of our beef genomics research and adoption projects. Jordan has an MSc in Biological Sciences specializing in animal physiology from the University of Calgary. He has spent his career in research and development in the agriculture and agri-food sector and held roles with industry, government and academia. Jordan looks forward to doing his part to supporting development and adoption of genomic tools in livestock!

We are also pleased to welcome back Everestus Akanno into a full-time role as senior research associate from January 2025. Everestus will be focusing on conducting research for our NSERC-SSHRC project: “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Canadian Beef Industry through the Development and Adoption of Genomic Tools”.

Congratulations to Gentec alumna Kristin Lee on obtaining her PhD from the University of Guelph in September. Her thesis, titled “Python Based Genetic Evaluation System for the Improvement of Multi-Breed and Crossbred Beef Cattle”, was co-supervised by Professor Angela Canovas and Professor Flavio Schenkel. The project was supported by AgSights, who contributed both funding and valuable industry knowledge. She is now working for Gentec’s partner Genesus Genetics Technologies Inc. in the role of geneticist, where she focuses on optimizing their genomic evaluation software and overseeing genetic improvement programs in nucleus farms.

One of the longest serving members of Gentec, Prof. Leluo Guan, continues from strength to strength following her move to University of British Columbia where she continues her world leading research program to study rumen microbiome and its roles in cattle production. Recent new grant funding includes “Novel and adaptive rumen microbiome targeted solutions for GHG mitigation in cattle”  as results of long -term collaborations among Gentec (University of Alberta), University of Guelph, University of Manitoba, and AAFC. This project is funded through NSERC Alliance through “NSERC-SSHRC Sustainable Agriculture Research Initiative (SARI)”.

Enhancing Carcass Quality in Beef Cattle through Genetic Selection

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, the future of cattle herds hinges on strategic planning and embracing cutting-edge technologies. Among these technologies, genomics stands out as a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way we manage and optimize our cattle herds. This month’s At The Grill feature by William Torres (storyteller, empathetic connector and resonate catalyst) explores the benefits and potential challenges of genetic selection.

In recent years, advancements in genetic selection have emerged as a powerful tool for improving various traits in livestock, with a significant focus on enhancing carcass quality. Genetic selection enables breeders to target specific characteristics, such as meat quality and yield, leading to more efficient and sustainable beef production systems.

Genetic selection involves choosing breeding animals based on their genetic make-up to pass on desirable traits to their offspring. In the context of beef cattle, this process aims to improve characteristics like growth rate, feed efficiency, and, crucially, carcass quality. Carcass quality encompasses traits such as marbling, tenderness, and lean meat yield, all of which directly influence the marketability and consumer satisfaction of beef products.

One of the key components of carcass quality is marbling, the distribution of intramuscular fat within the meat. Marbling contributes to the tenderness, juiciness, and flavour of beef, making it a highly sought-after trait by consumers and chefs alike. Through selective breeding, geneticists can identify and propagate genes associated with increased marbling, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of beef carcasses.

Tenderness is a critical attribute that greatly influences consumer satisfaction. Genetic selection can target genes associated with muscle structure, collagen content, and other factors affecting tenderness. By focusing on these traits, breeders can produce cattle that yield consistently tender meat, meeting the demands of discerning consumers and ensuring a positive eating experience.

While marbling is crucial for flavour and tenderness, there is also a growing demand for leaner cuts of meat due to health and dietary considerations. Genetic selection allows breeders to strike a balance between marbling and lean muscle development, ensuring that beef cattle produce high-quality meat with optimal fat content. This addresses consumer preferences and aligns with the evolving nutritional awareness of the modern consumer.

Beyond improving carcass quality, genetic selection contributes to the overall efficiency and sustainability of beef production. Cattle with enhanced genetic traits, such as feed efficiency, require less feed to reach market weight, reducing the environmental impact associated with feed production and waste. Moreover, efficient cattle contribute to a more sustainable industry, as they can produce more meat with fewer resources, helping to meet the global demand for protein while minimizing the ecological footprint of beef production.

While genetic selection offers significant benefits, it is essential to address potential challenges and ethical considerations. Maintaining genetic diversity within beef cattle populations is crucial to prevent the unintended consequences of a narrow genetic pool. Additionally, ethical considerations surrounding animal welfare and the use of emerging technologies, such as gene editing, must be carefully evaluated to ensure the responsible application of genetic selection in livestock breeding.

Genetic selection represents a powerful tool for enhancing carcass quality in beef cattle, offering benefits from improved marbling and tenderness to increased lean meat yield. As the global demand for high-quality protein continues to rise, the application of genetic selection in livestock breeding becomes increasingly essential. By carefully selecting breeding animals based on desirable traits, the beef industry can meet consumer preferences and contribute to a more efficient and sustainable future for beef production.

“Kick the tires, see what falls off, try to understand why”

In summer 1991, BA student JC Cahill found himself walking throughout the coastal estuaries of Connecticut. It was an undergraduate research project within Craig Schneider’s lab at Trinity College, Conn that set him on a hunt for some elusive green algae.

“It was beautiful,” he remembers. “Being on the water… working with plants … and realizing professors don’t really have a boss and have great job security! It was then I naively decided that was the career path for me.”

During his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania, he gained a deep interest in grassland ecosystems, and the below-ground interactions that were very poorly understood at the time.

“We didn’t have genomics tools; we didn’t know what was happening in the soil so every question was new and likely important,” he remembers.

Now a Professor of Biological Sciences at UAlberta (since 1999), JC focuses on Alberta’s grasslands, and has a long history of research at the Kinsella and Mattheis ranches.

“I’m a researcher first,” he points out. “But I also really care about teaching and mentoring students.” (Ed. note: JC was awarded the 2023 Killam Award for Excellence in Mentorship, UAlberta’s most prestigious award for mentorship.)

He’s also a botanist. He has a whole other program focused on plant behaviour, how plants make decisions with their roots, interact and find food. That falls under behavioural sciences. And, depending on the task, he’s a microbiologist as well.

“Ecologist would be a good umbrella term for my research interests,” he says. “Or simply biologist.”

It’s this diversity of interests and disciplines that makes his lab attractive to the next generation of scientists.

“I have a general policy that no grad students should work on the same question at the same time,” he insists. “Because of that, the group has lots of diverse themes, including grasslands ecology, plant behaviour, and general studies of the maintenance of biodiversity and how ecological systems function.”

Most recently, his lab group has more explicitly included cattle and grazing into their research. Cattle are critical to maintaining grasslands in Alberta, although their direct and indirect consequences are less well understood than anticipated.

“As grassland ecologists, we realize that if we want to understand plants, carbon storage, and healthy ecosystems, we have also to understand the critical role played by the large herbivores of the system.”

Although JC has worked with Gentec-associated researchers Ed Bork and Cameron Carlyle for over a decade, it was more recent engagement by Gentec CEO Graham Plastow that really helped him see the potential value and need for a more holistic research program.

“The questions about the ecological impacts of grazing are more explicit now in my research, as is a clear understanding of the need to understand the consequences of forage production and other critical aspects of livestock production,” says JC. “The science isn’t as well developed on viewing grazing systems as a whole agricultural ecosystem. Instead, the focus has typically been on studying one part at a time (plants or soils or cattle). We are moving to a more holistic view to get a better balance out of these systems long term.”

That explains the diversity of interests but what about kicking those tires?

“My research group loves experiments,” explains JC. “There’s a lot of math theory in ecology that I struggle with; I’m not convinced it necessarily reflects reality or how it’s useful. That doesn’t stop it being influential in academic ecology. We prefer to test assumptions rather than argue about their accuracy. That way, we can see what holds up and what doesn’t. So we go into the field, manipulate something (kick the tire) like defoliation, resources or water, and measure plant, animal and diversity responses. Then see what falls off so we can refine the idea.”

JC is going to spend a lot of time on the CAT-G project ($6.3 million, funded by Genome Canada, RDAR and other partners), of which he and Carolyn Fitzsimmons (AAFC/UA and a Gentec-associated researcher) are co-leads. The project takes this holistic view of the grazing ecosystem, testing the impacts of adaptive multi-paddock grazing systems on plant, soil, microbe and cattle responses, all with an eye towards soil C storage, GHG production and critical animal production metrics. As part of this work, the team aims to develop bio-indicators of carbon cycling in grasslands to help enhance carbon markets by identifying climate-smart management actions. Tools like this could record changes in soil carbon storage and lower GHG emissions on grazed land much sooner than waiting for the soil carbon to accumulate and stabilize.

“We don’t believe that environmental gains have to come at an economic cost to producers,” points out JC. “The CAT-G project starts from a place where both can be achieved, kicking those tires and tying the knowledge into Gentec and other groups that will benefit from our data. It’s important to facilitate collaborations. Just as Gentec facilitated this project. Because there won’t be just one solution that works in just one place.”







CAPI Webinar. Animal Agriculture in Canada

On December 11, 2023, CAPI hosted a webinar supporting its latest report: Forces Impacting Animal Agriculture in Canada: A Synthesis with Gentec-associated researchers Tim McAllister (AAFC) and Ellen Goddard (UAlberta) among the panelists who discussed the common challenges and opportunities surrounding sustainability in animal ag. Here’s a summary of their comments.

TYLER MCCANN, CAPI’s Managing Director reported that Canada’s livestock sector should be thriving thanks to a dedicated land mass, economics and efficiencies—but instead faces difficulties mainly due to the challenging policy environment. CAPI’s white paper, Forces Impacting Animal Agriculture in Canada: A Synthesis, was developed to inform the policy environment.

Source: CAPI Webinar, December 11, 2023

BRUCE SCHUMANN, Director of Sustainability, Regulatory and Quality Assurance at GVF Group of Companies stated that one of GVF’s roles was to empower farmers to produce meat, milk and eggs profitably. Livestock are being villainized because of methane emissions but Canada is already one of the most sustainable and most efficient producers in the world. We need to embrace and communicate that reality to the public and to our leaders, and to help other nations be more sustainable for the good of the world.

AL MUSSELL, CAPI’s Director of Research, summarized the report, confirming that ag is 10% of Canada’s emissions, and animal ag is about 50% of that. Over time, animal emissions have declined, consistent with the decline in the cow herd. Canada is also an efficient producer of feed. But there are complications. Emissions are not limited to GHGs but include nitrogen into the water table, phosphorus in the water and coliforms. Measures to reduce GHGs will not necessarily reduce those as well. Ruminants, especially, are governed by a biogenic carbon system that is circular. It is not NEW methane into the system. It should still be reduced because it is an important GHG but it is possible that the contribution of animals may have been exaggerated. Less animals on the grasslands impair the grasslands, yet the productive capacity of ruminants is conversely impaired without the grasslands. We cannot simply intervene at one level. So where does this leave us. The world has a food security problem and a climate change problem. Canada is one of the few countries that can influence both. How do we move to food policy that addresses that?

Source: CAPI Webinar, December 11, 2023

TIM MCALLISTER, Principal Research Scientist, Ruminant Nutrition & Microbiology (AAFC) reminded participants that climate change issues have been around since the Nineties. What is changing is a new appreciation for the systems approach like the interaction between livestock and their impact on biodiversity. No one scientist has the expertise to do that.

On December 10, 2023, the Government of Canada announced a new economic incentive to reduce methane emissions from beef cattle. Emerging technologies such as diet formulations and bringing animals to the finishing phase faster will help.

Information and databases are getting stronger, and there are more open data available. All countries need to pull together to make a difference, just like for COVID-19. Even regulatory agencies are sharing knowledge and pathways to assessment. It is not likely that one technology will work for all conditions. Technologies exist for animals in confinement but not for rangelands so work is going on there. So it is a sector by sector assessment.

ELLEN GODDARD, Distinguished Fellow (CAPI) said that, as the science gets more complicated, public perceptions are more nuanced and can be confused by the seemingly conflicting messaging from different directions. They look for ways to simplify their decisions by listening to those they trust (farmers, some NGOs and scientists). They want to be able to compare product A with product B on environmental impact or health impact, for example, at the store. Those common standards are not available yet so people are frustrated.

Record-keeping to monitor impacts that can be used consistently in labelling will engender costs. If consumers are paying $10 for ground beef today, will they pay $12 if it has a sustainability label? In fact, they might stop being willing to pay the $10 if the information is not available. Providing the information  may be the cost for the industry to stay in the market, even at the original $10 price. Paying the same or more are all parts of the same decision to purchase the product.

The public remains cautious about genetic tools if called genetic modification but less so about other genetic technologies, and they desperately want those technologies used to improve animal health, their health and the environment. But a number of messages about how and why genetic technologies are used need to be distributed to get there.

KATHLEEN SULLIVAN, Vice President Government & Industry (Maple Leaf Foods) said that Maple Leaf was the world’s first carbon-neutral food company. Led by CEO Michael McCain, it created a blueprint and identified pillars to focus on: community, environmental security, animal welfare, food safety among them. The company is obliged to deal with the fact that it is an environmental protagonist. Generally, the public doesn’t realize that the company is made up of farmers (plant protein, poultry and pork). It owns and operates 200 hog farms and five feed mills, mostly in Manitoba. For pork, it runs the entire process from production to sales and international trade because it makes the company more reliable in terms of its footprint, how it is addressed and how all the pieces fit together. In 2019, Maple Leaf committed to reducing GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 (current carbon neutrality comes from buying carbon offsets and insets). That means dealing with manure in-house to reach the desired result. In Manitoba, the solution costs $0.5 billion and involves coordinating a lot of enterprises and players. The conversation is how to bring people together to do that.

RYDER LEE, General Manager (Canadian Cattle Association) said that defending cattle and sustainability is a local, national and international conversation. That entails producers working together, funding research on best practices, sending the CCA to engage with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef, and going to COP28 in Dubai. There, we hosted events on sustainability in Canada and on the grasslands.

Canada’s competitors are knocking at the door or at customers’ doors, asking what is being done, measured, and its impact. The National Beef Sustainability Assessment, first done in 2016, benchmarks the environmental, social and economic performance of the Canadian beef industry. It highlights the areas where industry is doing well and identifies opportunities for improvement. CCA also looks at peer-reviewed science on the gamut of environmental services, asking questions such as how are measurements done, what the measurement burden is and how to incentivize producers to make changes.

OVERALL TAKEAWAY MESSAGE. Canadian animal agriculture has among the lowest emissions intensities in the world. Policies that integrate sustainability, food security and growth can help meet climate targets, and build Canada’s comparative advantage.












Strategic Herd Management: Embracing Genomics for a Sustainable Future

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, the future of cattle herds hinges on strategic planning and embracing cutting-edge technologies. Among these technologies, genomics stands out as a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way we manage and optimize our cattle herds. This month’s At The Grill feature by William Torres (storyteller, empathetic connector and resonate catalyst) exploresthe importance of planning for the future of your cattle herd, with a specific focus on the transformative role that genomics can play.

Genomics—the study of an organism’s complete set of DNA, including genes and their functions—has become a game-changer in the realm of agriculture. In the context of cattle herds, genomics information offers unprecedented insights into the genetic makeup of individual animals. This wealth of information allows farmers and ranchers to make informed decisions about breeding, health, and overall herd management.

Precision Breeding for Desired Traits

One of the primary advantages of integrating genomics into cattle-herd planning is the ability to engage in precision breeding. Traditional breeding methods are effective but time-consuming, often requiring several generations to achieve desired traits. Genomics information accelerates this process by enabling the identification of specific genes associated with desirable traits, such as milk production, disease resistance, and meat quality. By selecting animals with the desired genetic markers, farmers can optimize breeding programs to enhance overall herd quality. Precision breeding boosts productivity and contributes to the sustainability of the herd by reducing the environmental impact associated with larger, less efficient populations.

Disease Resistance and Health Management

Genomics also plays a crucial role in fortifying the health of cattle herds. Through genetic screening, farmers can identify animals with inherent resistance to certain diseases. This information allows for the development of resilient herds that are better equipped to withstand common health challenges. Furthermore, genomics aids in the early detection of potential health issues. By analyzing an individual animal’s genetic code, farmers can assess susceptibility to specific diseases, enabling proactive health management strategies. Early intervention ensures the well-being of individual animals and prevents the spread of diseases within the entire herd.

Optimizing Feed Efficiency and Environmental Impact

In an era where sustainability is a key concern, genomics contributes to the optimization of feed efficiency, directly impacting the environmental footprint of cattle farming. By identifying genetic markers associated with efficient nutrient utilization, farmers can select animals that thrive on less feed while maintaining optimal growth rates. Reducing the overall feed requirements of a herd minimizes operational costs and mitigates the environmental impact associated with large-scale livestock farming. Genomics insights empower farmers to make ecologically-conscious decisions, fostering a more sustainable and responsible approach to cattle-herd management.

Long-term Economic Viability

Strategic planning for the future of a cattle herd involves considering economic viability. Genomics provides a pathway to increased profitability by enabling farmers to make data-driven decisions that enhance overall herd performance. Investing in genetically-superior animals leads to higher-quality products, whether it be milk, meat or other by-products. These premium products command higher prices in the market and contribute to the establishment of a reputable brand. By planning for the future with genomics, farmers can secure a competitive edge in the industry, ensuring long-term economic sustainability.

Challenges and Considerations

While genomics offers immense potential, it is crucial to acknowledge the challenges associated with its implementation. Initial costs, data management, and ethical considerations are among the factors that require careful attention. However, as technology advances and becomes more accessible, these challenges are likely to diminish, making genomics an increasingly integral aspect of cattle herd management.


Planning for the future of your cattle herd is a multi-faceted endeavour that demands foresight and adaptability. Embracing genomics as a cornerstone of your strategic planning positions your operation at the forefront of innovation and ensures the long-term success, health, and sustainability of your cattle herd. As the agricultural landscape continues to evolve, those who leverage the power of genomics will undoubtedly shape a future where efficiency, resilience, and profitability coexist harmoniously in the world of cattle farming.